Currently working on new “Songs From The 86 Tram” album.
New LapTopping soon too. Bizzy!


(Brought to you by the new collaboration between members of The Shins and The Bangles ‘The Shingles.’)

♥ The Brown & Orange National Tour is pressed and ironed and ready to roll up the east coast like a convoy of can do. For the first time I shall be touring with The Awkwardstra in two Brown and Orange Chrysler Valiants filled to the brim with mind blowing instruments with more dapper banter than a 1920’s tennis tournament. All the major cities are there, sort of. If you are under eighteen you may take issue with some of the licensed venues and absence of all ages shows. Man, why does everything have to suck all the time?

♥ I’m about to move house to Westgarth. It will be the first time I’ve lived with less than four people in about ten years. I’m extremely pleased. I have a big room with a balcony and built in wardrobe. Also, the bathroom is fitted with 70’s lemon décor. It’s a lot of extra rent but Mum has offered to make up the difference to what I’m paying now. Isn’t that nice?

♥ A piece I wrote will appear in a new book ‘So Your Mother Would Be Proud’ released by Allen & Unwin in July. It features various Australian entertainers sharing their horror tales from the biz. You can check it out HERE.

♥ CLARIFICATION: Last issue I referred to dessert as ‘pudding.’ This was inspired by New Zealand Awkwardstra member Jamie ‘Hits Rodriquez’ Power. It’s a New Zealand thing and I reckon it’s pretty cute.

♥ I have pieces in the current issues of Frankie, Jmag and The Big Issue. (Watch out for a feature article on me in the next Big Issue). Lime Champions continues every Monday night at 7pm on 102.7 in Melbourne.