(brought to you by Channel 31s Falling On Thick Sand! 12 celebrities. 140
angry camels. One Egyptian rodeo. 6 weeks to survive the odds and hone their
skills for a truly obscure webcast that not even the sungods can predict!)

• Little cerebral avant garde folk comedy engine that could…Im So
Post-modern will be featured on a Triple J Super Requests compilation due out
in August. Yes! I will get 16% of something, once something is taken out and
50% of that goes somewhere! I asked if they could put out an album where Nick
Cave, Grinspoon and other established artists offer versions of the song, but
they havent returned my thesis.

* During my Melbourne comedy festival run, I was discovered by a local casting
agent, who asked me to audition for a supermarket commercial where Id get to
play a giant receipt that ran around talking to shoppers. I didnt win. I was
however, cast to play Funky Young Man in an upcoming independent Australian
feature film. If it gets made. But talking to some people in the b.i.z, they
don’t always.

• Ive reached my 2 ½ year anniversary with Centrelink. I
celebrated with a bottle of Maggi 2 minute chardonnay and a ritualistic burning
of some empty threat letters.

• Over the last few months, Ive successfully cashed in most of my
superannuation. This is a financial phenomenen of which I was spendthriftily
unaware until a friend Jo passed on the tip. You CAN cash in your
superannuation if you plead financial hardship. While the forms theyll send you
make it look like a strict process, I dont believe it is. I had about $1500
tucked away. What I found more beautiful than the instant renumeration, was the
metaphor of spending my own retirement money. My plan is to assume they will
have invented time travel by 2045, so I can go back in time and borrow off

• I successfully turned 25 on June 12th with a party similar to my 18th,
ie, unsupervised and a lotof people there, but without the depression inducing
damages bill. While the party allegedly had people procreating in the bathroom,
I, not so glamorously, got walked in on by a girl doing a poo. (that is to say,
I was doing a poo, not the girl, that would be weird) My single regret in life
is not applying for more youth arts grants. Looking back , I realise that has
nothing to do with being walked in on while doing a poo. You get my point.